Safe Haven Shelter & Support Program
"Empowering Survivors, Rebuilding Lives"
Safe Haven is dedicated to providing a secure and supportive environment for survivors of homelessness, domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Our program offers a wide range of services, including emergency shelter, counseling, legal advocacy, and access to essential resources such as food, clothing, and employment assistance.
Our Mission
Safe Haven’s mission is to ensure every survivor in our community has access to safety, resources, and support. We are committed to empowering individuals to break free from cycles of abuse and violence and to rebuild their lives in an environment of dignity and respect.
How Can We Help?
Our Services
Emergency Shelter:
Our secure, temporary housing provides a safe place for survivors and their families while they navigate next steps.
Counseling & Support Groups:
We offer professional counseling services and peer-led support groups to help survivors process their trauma.
Legal Advocacy:
Our team assists survivors with legal processes, such as filing restraining orders, court appearances, and understanding their legal rights.
Employment & Education Assistance:
We help survivors gain the skills and resources needed for financial independence, including job training and placement.
Food & Basic Needs Assistance:
We ensure survivors have access to meals, clothing, and other essential items to meet their immediate needs.
The decision to reach out is the first step in building a life free from violence.
Domestic Violence Hotline:
(713) 528-2121
Sexual Assault Hotline:
(713) 528-RAPE (7273)
(346) 295-8994
How You Can Help
Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to ensuring safety and support for those in need. Your donations go directly toward funding our shelter, food programs, counseling services, and legal support for survivors. Together, we can empower individuals to live free from fear and build a brighter future.
Ways to Donate:
- Monetary donations
- In-kind donations (food, clothing, hygiene products)
- Volunteer your time and skills
Volunteer Opportunities:
Join our community of compassionate volunteers and help make a difference in the lives of survivors. Whether it's organizing donations, providing childcare, or helping in our outreach efforts, every role is vital to our mission.
Make a Difference Today!
Your Support Saves Lives. By donating to Safe Haven, you are directly helping survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking find safety, shelter, and the resources they need to rebuild their lives. Every dollar counts.
Corporate Partnerships:
If you’re a business or organization looking to make a social impact, consider partnering with us. Together, we can create a safer, more supportive community.
Need Help? We’re Here for You.
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking, Safe Haven is ready to help. You are not alone, and we provide the support and resources you need to find safety and healing.
“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde